Why do you need more than one resume?

Why do one  person needs more than one resume? While employers only ask applicants to submit one resume, it’s important to have many at your arsenal to choose from so that you may pick the one that makes you out to be the perfect fit for the job. Though it’s impractical, ideally you would make tweaks to your resume before submitting it to each and every job you apply for.



Here are some scenarios where having an extra resume can come in super handy in helping you land the job you want: Note that if you need help writing multiple resumes, Qwik CV can ensure that your resumes are optimized for each individual job position you apply to.


1. Different industries

Perhaps you’ve had a multifaceted career having worked in both marketing and finance. So now you’re on the job hunt and you’re applying for jobs of all sorts. Some of them are marketing jobs and others are finance. Well, depending on what job you apply for, you’ll want to emphasize the skills and experience that relates to that given job.

If your applying for a job in marketing, then of course you want to emphasize more of what you’ve done on the marketing side of things while leaving out some of the finance stuff on your resume. Your extra resumes should be showcasing a different side of you. In this case, it’d be handy to have two separate resumes, one that you submit for marketing jobs and another for finance.


2. Same industry, different positions

Even if you are sticking to just one industry, applying for different positions can be reason enough to tailor your resume. Different positions require different skillsets. Some might revolve more around working in teams, in which case you want to emphasize your experiences that showcase your teamwork abilities. If the position is more of a solo mission, then some of that team experience might be left out to save real estate for other important skills.


3. A particular direction

Tailoring your resume can mean other things besides changing some bullet points and skills around. Sometimes, it’s important to stress a particular career goal. Perhaps, you’ve mainly been working as a special education teacher but now you want to teach as a standard high school teacher instead. It can be helpful in cases like this to add an objective statement to your resume and so recruiters know you’re looking to branch out. However, you might still want to have a resume without the objective statement so you can submit it to jobs that don’t need this sort of clarification.


4. Telecommuting position

Perhaps you’re tired of the old 9-5 job and want to apply for some work at home jobs. Well, you’ll want to submit a different resume than the one you usually do. Focus on adding experience that shows you work well independently. Shine a spotlight on skills needed in freelance and volunteer work.


Remember, your resume can make you out to be an entirely different person depending on how you write it. The more different types of jobs you apply for, the more of a need there is for you to use more than one resume.

If you don’t feel confident in writing your resume, there is the option to take help from a resume writing service like Qwik CV to write your professional resume and create a desired impact.


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