Get noticed with your visual resume in 2021

When the entire world is going thru the COVID-19 pandemic and organizations are making employee lay-offs at all levels to optimize their operations, it’s time to keep upgrading you with new technology and evolving job scenario in the competitive world. One task is to upgrade your resume with a visual CV, which is a new trend these days, and float them to the right set of employers. 



With thousands of job seekers submitting their resumes to find their dream jobs, it can be hard to make yours stand out. So what if you can tell your professional story in bright colors, graphics, and photographs instead of just plain old black-and-white text like everyone else does? Yeah, that’s a right thing. Info-graphic & visual resumes are part of the new generation of resumes that get you noticed by your future employer and land a job.


A visual representation of your professional career can be a fantastic way to get attention. In fact, it may just be a better way to get your message felt across and get your credentials noticed by the recruiter and may find it suitable.   


“About 65% of the population are visual learners,” said Rochester, New York career coach Hannah Morgan, author of “The Infographic Resume.” “Before written language, our brains were hardwired to look at images, not read words.”


We did a survey of recruiters and asked if they would be open to seeing an infographic resume. The majority said they would love to see one. It’s like flipping through a magazine, and all of a sudden you see a pretty picture. Job seekers have very little to lose in trying something creative. Not only marketing, data analyst, advertising or communication professionals are using the visual resume but also most of the other category professionals are using visual resume to highlight their accomplishments and skills in order to get attention of their busy employers. 

Before you toss your standard CV, here are a few tips to make the most of a visual resume.


  • Structure your content in order
  • Focus on Content
  • Briefly describe your professional summary with key achievements in bullet points
  • Highlight only what is required. 
  • Skill-sets are very important to talk about
  • Must differentiate on your key strengths
  • Put your Work Experience in chronological order
  • Don’t put irrelevant work history 
  • Match your resume with the job description; thus keywords are very important
  • Talk about industry awards or recognitions
  • Nevertheless, must show your international stint if any
  • Use a nice looking visual template
  • Don’t’ forget, your resume must be ATS (Application Tracking System) compliant.
  • Proofread for any grammatical errors. Grammar mistakes are a big turn off.


Once you’re sure your resume is completely error-free, ask someone else to read it, too. A new set of eyes will often catch things you overlooked. And as you are done with your error free resume, take it to the right set of recruiters for your next career move.


Creating a visual resume is your first step towards your professional success. Thus, make it awesome and credible. All the best!


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